CAM's Ag Academy In Action

Students gathered around our student volunteer to learn about sugar beet production!
Visitors on a self-paced Ag. Adventure tour stopping by to learn more about Egg production with the Colorado Egg Producers Association
Two Ag. Adventure visitors receiving help on their activity book from a student volunteer. 
A group is gathered for a CAM's Classroom session to learn how to make bread in a bag with Denver County Extension
Ben from Colorado USDA leading a CAM's Classroom activity about Colorado Agriculture!
C.A.A volunteers and staff creating activity demonstration videos for the virtual Colorado State Fair Camp 2020!
Hosting an Ag. Trivia putt-putt booth during CSU's Ag. Week on the Quad for CSU students 
C.A.A Staff member leading students in the Junior Ag. Ambassador Oath.
This Junior Ag. Ambassador has earned his badge!
Junior Ag. Ambassadors being inducted after having fun and learning about agriculture in CAM's Classroom!
Facilitating an agricultural literacy activity, growing seed necklace, at an elementary school's Science Night 

Congratulations to Aaron and Ian on becoming Jr. State Fair Ag Ambassadors!

All smiles and ram horns from these new Junior Ag. Ambassadors.

Check out some of our latest headlines!